Film Threat’s Award This! is an event with a mission — to champion independent films across diverse categories to bring awareness to the growing number of exceptional indies available on DVD, VOD and streaming services. Film Threat recognizes these films each year with a ceremony hosted by actors, comedians and critics, and the celebration continues at a huge afterparty. And yes, there will be an Award This! gift bag.
The Award This! nominees were selected from over 2,000 indie films reviewed by Film Threat in 2021 (this year we extended our deadline into the first quarter of 2022 due to the pandemic). Award This! returns for its fourth year and will take place at the Frida Cinema in Santa Ana, California on Saturday, May 21st and a limited number of tickets will be available for sale to the public soon at AwardThis.com and on the Frida Cinema website.
“We recognize these indie films each year with a ceremony hosted by actors, comedians and critics, and the celebration continues at a huge afterparty…”
The Award This! show can also be seen at a special virtual event shortly after the awards are presented. Film Threat’s Award This! is the only award show where the general public may attend by simply buying a ticket. (Try getting tickets to the Oscars!) Our 2022 event will include a fundraiser dedicated to supporting independent theaters like the Frida Cinema.
This years’ vastly differing nominees have battled the media, beaten cancer, escaped killer babies, and survived Hollywood in the utterly unique Award This! bold and diverse categories including Indie Sci-Fi, Indie Horror, Indie Comedy, Indie LGBTQ+ Film, Indie Action/Thriller, WTF Indie, Indie Romantic Comedy, Indie Drama, Music Documentary, Pop Culture Documentary, Socially-Relevant Documentary, Best Director, Best Directress, Indie Made for Less Than the Contents of an Oscar Gift Bag (Under $100K), and Indie Movie of the Year.
“Hollywood continues to churn out cookie-cutter films that leave audiences underwhelmed and now more than ever, quality indie films are a viable entertainment option…”
“Hollywood continues to churn out cookie-cutter films that leave audiences underwhelmed and now more than ever, quality indie films are a viable entertainment option for those seeking something fresh, original and challenging. Every year I’m impressed by the ambitiousness of up and coming indie filmmakers and I’m ecstatic to be able to shine a light on their work through this event. As Hollywood continues to force agenda over storytelling, audiences have sought entertainment elsewhere and I believe this is truly the beginning of a new golden age for independents,” said Film Threat publisher and Award This! producer Chris Gore.”And it’s always fun to party with a group of such passionate and dedicated filmmakers.”
The nominating board of Award This! is comprised of the staff of Film Threat’s editors and critics which number 30+ worldwide along with an advisory board of media figures and independent film luminaries.

And now, may we present the Award This! 2022 Nominees include…
Award This! Film About Movies or Filmmaking
Cleanin’ Up the Town: Remembering Ghostbusters
Film Fest
Sam and Mattie Make a Zombie Movie
Award This! Music Documentary
[…] There has been huge excitement around the recent release of The Boys in Red Hats, a film co-produced, animated, and designed by First Fight! We’re proud to announce that the film recently won the Film Threat AWARD THIS for 2022 SOCIALLY RELEVANT DOCUMENTARY. […]
[…] There has been huge excitement around the recent release of The Boys in Red Hats, a film co-produced, animated, and designed by First Fight! We’re proud to announce that the film recently won the Film Threat AWARD THIS for 2022 SOCIALLY RELEVANT DOCUMENTARY. […]
[…] by First Fight! We’re proud to announce that the film recently won the Film Threat AWARD THIS for 2022 SOCIALLY RELEVANT DOCUMENTARY. During production of the documentary, we were given full creative control to craft the graphics […]