Games That Became Successful Movies Image

Games That Became Successful Movies

By Film Threat Staff | August 28, 2023

The gaming industry has firmly and confidently occupied its niche in the field of entertainment and is noticeably competing with films and books, although the main task of games is not this, but to create another tool for realizing the fantasies of creators and providing people with opportunities to gain new experiences that they may be deprived of in real life.

The general concept of games differs from films in that you are the main character of the whole story, and not a conventional actor with a world level. It is you who defeat your opponents and do not let evil spread.

It’s not as noticeable in MMOs as you just buy wow gold, and you have yet to find your way, but in more lazy games this is the case – you will be brought into the action and made to feel like a hero in a situation like this takes place in the Call of Duty series.

Movie Game Concepts

Games used to draw inspiration from books and movies, but with the development of the industry, the situation has changed dramatically. Movies began to borrow ideas and characters from games, since this is a whole universe that is important and interesting to convey to an audience that does not like and does not play games.

At first, World of Warcraft gathered thousands of players on its servers, and then the same number of people went to cinemas to watch the movie of the same name. The gaming industry will not supplant films, but will only become one with them, and all three areas will push each other and the overall technological process through competition.

There are already VR helmets and full-fledged games that are little by little testing AI to create constantly changing scenarios that will soon come to films. We will go through the most interesting films, without spoilers of course, in case you haven’t seen them yet.

Lara Croft Tomb Raider 

Perhaps the most famous artifact seeker after Indiana Jones. The girl is the daughter of a famous archaeologist and is constantly looking for artifacts that have fantastic and global properties, such as time control, and at the same time she must get ahead of corporations and gangs and prevent them from taking possession of them earlier so that evil does not happen.

The first two films were made with Angelina Jolie – an actress who perfectly and similarly personifies the Lara of that era, who was created specifically for the consoles of that generation – Sony. The film focuses on archeology and the uniqueness of the relics, as well as Lara’s interactions with the underworld and other archaeologists, and it’s far from clear which is worse.

Unlike the new pictures, the old Lara Croft focuses on adventure and action. When the company Square Enix announced the restart of the series of games and the change in the concept of the main character, but the concentration on the main ideas, it was obvious that a new film would soon appear, with new accents and the style of Lara Croft herself.

If we analyze the script of the film, then the director took the concept of the last three games at once, which came out with an updated main character. Here is the concept of survival, as it was on the island, the Trinity cult familiar to many and the concept of searching for a unique artifact.

The film was critically acclaimed, although it turned out to be mixed, due to the mixing of the format and the departure from the image of Lara, which differs from both the old versions and the new reincarnation, but the film itself is definitely worth a look if you like archeology, adventure and battle, and also the main character is a girl, and not the usual Indiana Jones, or the hero of the Uncharted series.

Assassin’s Creed

A cult series of games about a secret order of assassins with the motto small zro for big good and an interpretation of the theory that in the future people will be able to decipher DNA and know exactly the past of their ancestors.

The concept of games about the order of assassins has its part of the series in most interesting historical eras:

  • Venice and Italy
  • Dawn of Sparta
  • Viking Age
  • ancient Japan
  • Revolution in the USA
  • Syria
  • French Revolution

The film takes a combination of the first parts about the story of Al-Tair, an assassin from ancient Syria.

In the picture, the viewer will also see the concept of an assassin with a ritual of initiation and replacement of the ring finger with a secret blade, with which the assassins destroy enemies, and the general concept of the order’s fight against the Templars – the enemies of the assassins and the defenders of everyone, including criminals. In parallel, thanks to the film, fans of the second part about Ezio will be able to find out the background and fate of his father, who was an assassin and must prevent the murder of the Medici family, a powerful dynasty, whose death will lead to a split in society.


One of the most interesting games that allows you to play as a cold-blooded killer and independently decide how to eliminate the target.

You can go in and just kill your victim and at the same time destroy everyone who gets in the way of your task and departure. You can use disguise as personnel, approach and eliminate the target unnoticed by others. You can sneak around and kill the enemy in some tricky way like poisoning if you first scout out his route and habits. You can set up an accident and destroy your target without arousing suspicion by hiding before the general alarm is raised.

The movie takes a little wrong turn, as it showcases the most banal part of gaming – taking down targets without any tricks, but simply through the skill of the shooter and the intelligence of Agent 47.

In fact, you will see an interesting action movie, conspiracies of special services, difficult tasks tied to action.

The Super Mario Bros

Of course, this is not a movie, but a cartoon, but it is difficult to find a person who loves games and does not know the story of the famous Italian plumber who fights dragons and monkeys to save the princess, bypassing hundreds of castles in search of her. Illumination Studio has created an interesting and, first of all, nostalgic project, where there are references and presentations of all the key moments of the popular game.

Pipes, coin collecting, boxes, gorillas and dragons, princess, Luigi’s brother. The plot itself is simple and understandable – during their work, the brothers accidentally fall into another world – the world of the game itself and must help the princess, meet old antagonists and, of course, eat plenty of enhancing mushrooms.

Don’t forget the branded humor from the creators of Minions, which will appeal to both children and adults.

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