You’ve met “Mosh Bulb” and the “Eye Guy” from Sony’s upcoming Men in Black II over the last few weeks. This week’s new alien rocks a little harder than the average monster:
Earth Name: Joey ^ Zone Restriction: Los Angeles ^ Age: He’ll never tell ^ Height: 5’6†^ Weight: 187 lbs. ^ Health: Medium ^ Armor: Medium ^ Speed: Slow ^ Bio Information: Back in the ’80s, Joey was a huge rock sensation, touring with a band called The Standing Stones. His musical talents packed stadiums and his face was on thousands of T-shirts. Of course, no one ever suspected that he was from another planet. The race that Joey belongs to looks basically similar to a human, with their bodily features a little bit longer and more exaggerated. Puffy lips and a bulbous nose are common facial features of his kind. A lack of body hair is also a dead giveaway that they aren’t human. They have a penchant for singing, which explains why a large number of professional singers are so “ugly.” Joey, throughout his career in the music business, has always sported his trademark long hair. This hair, of course…is a wig. However, the hair’s just enough to draw attention away from his somewhat alien face.
As always, a new alien will be unleashed from the MIB II cage every week, so check back for the latest monster in a few days.
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