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By Michael Ferraro | May 31, 2006

No matter how intellectual or snobby cinenazis are, deep down inside they all have their guilty pleasures. Whether they like (and defend) the new Star Wars trilogy or think the first Spider-man film is an actual “good” movie, every film fan has at least one guilty pleasure.

That includes me. But even though I hate a lot of things about the cinema these days (just ask Don Lewis), I too have my own guilty pleasures. Many of them in fact. One of them is Paul Walker.

This didn’t start until 2003’s amazingly bad but terribly fun 2 Fast 2 Furious. I’ve spoke often about how I love this movie. I hated the first one and how serious it took itself (stealing DVD players with harpoon guns and Honda Civics? Please, blood). The second installment was just silly and ridiculous; silly enough to make me smile.

Ever since then, I’ve been keeping a close eye on the Walkmeister, though some of his films have slipped by me. I haven’t seen Eight Below or Into the Blue, though they are in my Netflix queue. What I did see however, was this year’s terribly underrated and underappreciated kinetic gem, Running Scared.

Not a great movie by any stretch of the imagination but it’s awfully fun. So far, it’s the R-rated action movie to beat this year. Boobs, explosions, guns, pubic hair, Paul Walker, blood, knives, pimps, child porn, hookers – you name it and this movie probably has it.

According to the IMDB, Running Scared costs a measly 17 million to produce and only raked in about 6.8 million at the box office. ‘Tis a shame too. I guess the time it was released had something to do with i. Or maybe people only like to see Paul Walker drive cars really fast.

The good news is, as of June 6th, it’ll be on DVD for all to see. I have a homework assignment for you fine readers. Put this film at the top of your Netflix queue. Go rent it at some video store. Heck, I’d even suggest you blind-buy it – it’s that good.

The following picture is an alternate cover for the DVD that I did. I sent it to New Line begging them to use it as the official cover (I even told them they didn’t have to pay me) and they turned me down. Here it is in full glory for you to see:


New Line decided to go with a more traditional style DVD cover. But I’m not mad. I’m still heading to the store on 6/6/06 (oooh, creepy…) to purchase it. Do yourself a guilty favor and put this in your queue.

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  1. David J. says:

    Mike as always I have enjoyed your pictures including some rare gems I have only seen, Just watched “Running Scared” though it to be as fun as I had hoped but dare I say it is the best paul walker movie to date? maybe you’ll agree I enjoyed the ride of the movie also please repost your other blog titled “The greatest bad movie ever.” you know where it is.
    please put it up, it will show your other dedication to walker.

  2. Stina says:

    his fingers look like potato skins…the kind that are served at either Applebys or TGIFridays.

    i like the gun….it almost looks like a cleaver.

  3. Michael Ferraro says:

    That odd hair looking stuff is supposed to be shading. See what happens when I try to be use lighting?

  4. Mark Bell says:

    He has a hairy pinkie…

  5. Michael Ferraro says:

    Thanks for the comment Pete. When one draws Sir Paul Walker, you have to give it nothing but your all. The drawings/sketches will go back to their original form henceforth.

    I am not even sure if I used that word properly.

  6. Pete says:

    Your artistic skills are improving. You better watch it or your illustrations will lose all of their sloppy charm.

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