Anther audience favorite and again for good reason. Dead on Time is a dark comedy satirizing the race to be the first at doing anything in the new millennium. A young man plans to be the first to commit suicide at the stroke of midnight on January 1st 2000.
As millennium revelry sweeps the rooming house he has set himself up in, a young man prepares to broadcast his own suicide over the internet. One major problem occurs, the electricity card that came with the room, runs out. When he goes to the landlord’s apartment he stumbles into the landlord’s own plan to be the first at something. His first is to be the first to murder someone in the new millennium.
Instead of focusing on an apocalyptic breakdown which many filmmakers associate with the year 2000, Larkin taps into something very different and much more entertaining. We’ve all heard the stories of couples trying to give birth to the first child of the new millennium, but as Larkin tells us, don’t be surprised at how many others are trying to achieve their own firsts.