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By Film Threat Staff | September 27, 2000

Coverge@Tribeca may sound like its multitasking by bringing together the Internet, entertainment, and film industries in one locale for one event, but as the name states, the gathering is more about where these three major areas intersect than their solo identities…Converge is a celebration at the crossroads.
Robert De Niro and Jane Rosnthal are the minds behind the Converge gathering, which will began yesterday on [ September 26th, 2000 ] and ends today at Tribeca Film Center, which is located at 374 Greenwich Street in New York. Aside from being and opportunity for discussion, education and networking within the three industries, Converge plans to unite the old vanguard with the up-and-comers, with panel discussions, exclusive screenings, and informal coffee meetings. Scheduled attendees include actor/writer/director Ethan Hawke and AOL/Moviephone CEO Andrew Jarecki, one of the most prominent faces of the “junior jet set” and business world.
For registration information, as well as ticket and event descriptions, go to [ the Converge@Tribeca website. ]

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