NEW TO HULU! Do we need yet another reboot of the classic story The Secret Garden? If it’s’s done right and done better than its predecessors, then YES! Why not put the team behind both Paddington films on board as well. It can’t lose… and it doesn’t.
Based on the book by Frances Hodgson Burnett, The Secret Garden, directed by Marc Munden, is the story of young Mary Lennox (Dixie Egerickx), whose parents die while living in India. Now she is shipped off to live with her Uncle Archibald (Colin Firth) in his massive mansion in England.

“Mary’s arrival is not at all welcome as Archibald is dealing with the death of his wife…”
Mary’s arrival is not at all welcome as Archibald is dealing with the death of his wife from years ago quite severely. He’s’s locked away everything that reminds him of her, including his son, Colin (Edan Hayhurst). Mary’s primary guardian is the house manager, Mrs. Medlock (Julie Walter), who warns her not to snoop around the mansion. Of course, that’s what she does. In doing so, she meets her cousin Colin, who suffers from the same hunchback problem as his father, and she also discovers a “secret garden” that may be the key to unlocking everyone’s happiness.
Before seeing the film, my exposure to The Secret Garden is the Broadway musical soundtrack from 1991 and the last film adaptation in 1993. What makes this version different is strangely the liberal use of computer graphics. I’ve complained a lot about the overuse of CGI in film from The Fast and the Furious series to the recently released Greyhound and its fake cars and unrealistic battleships. When you know what you’re seeing is not real, the effects take you straight out of the movie.

"…takes over as 'king of the hill' as the best version..."
I felt very moved by this movie right from the beginning and I was enthralled by the end. Depression portrayed with delicate and authentic acting. . Magical is the word for it.