This feature exists because no one is talking about this horrific crime. It’s almost as if those in power in politics, business, and the news media want to hide it from the general public. It’s almost as if once the general public knows about and understands the problem, the average person will speak up and shine a light on these cockroaches. You MUST SEE this because there are children to save. Yes, I’ll admit my bias is showing through.
Now let me put on my cold, emotionless critics hat. As a movie, Sound of Freedom is powerful, almost too powerful. The ploy to trap children is too real, and the abuse they experience walks that line of being too authentic. Though not salacious in any way, the images on screen may make the weak of heart walk out.
“Caviezel is absolutely captivating.”
Caviezel is absolutely captivating. His portrayal of Tim will remind you of his role as John Reese in Person of Interest — a dangerous man with a heart of gold. In fact, the actor doesn’t exactly transform into Tim. This is a more angelic version of John Reese, subtle and understated but guided by a lofty moral imperative.
The biggest problem most people will have with Sound of Freedom is its pacing. There are practically two flicks here: the sting operation and an insane incursion into the rebel territory of Colombia. When the sting operation is done, you think it’s over, but no, there’s more to go. At two hours fifteen, it does feel long.
In my former life, I often attended conferences and listened to great orators speak on a specific subject. Sound of Freedom is almost as if you’re listening to Tim Ballard tell his incredible story of rescuing children and having it dramatized onscreen. It’s heartfelt, informative, and inspiring. Go see this movie. If you stick around for the credits, Jim Caviezel comes on screen to essentially tell you what I’m telling you now. See this film, and hopefully, this message will bring the crisis of child sex trafficking to the spotlight. It’s tough to watch, and you will fight the urge to walk out but stick with it.
"…heartfelt, informative, and inspiring. Go see this movie."
[…] JUNETEENTH PREVIEW! From Angel Studios came last year’s hit, Sound of Freedom, which destroyed Indiana Jones at the box office. This year, we have the next story in the […]
[…] off the surprise blockbuster hit Sound of Freedom, Angel Studios is releasing its first original feature in theaters on December 1st. The Shift was […]
Great article, on point. We need to make a global movement campaign to combat child trafficking
Startling, eye-opening movie that everyone should see.
[…] independent action film, which has made a surprising amount of money since its release on July 4? A moving true story about a real American hero? A dangerous gateway into misinformation and conspiracy? A gamble […]
[…] independent action film, which has made a shocking amount of cash since its launch on July 4? A moving true story about an actual American hero? A dangerous gateway into misinformation and conspiracy? Of venture […]
[…] independent action film, which has made a surprising amount of money since its release on July 4? A moving true story about a real American hero? A dangerous gateway into misinformation and conspiracy? A gamble […]
[…] independent action film, which has made a surprising amount of money since its release on July 4? A moving true story about a real American hero? A dangerous gateway into misinformation and conspiracy? A gamble […]
[…] Sound of Freedom Featured, Reviews Film Threat […]
This move is a must see! The people that discount the power of this movie are living in a bubble, or are actively participating in this crime against Gods children…. The slavery of today, has more people than all of the slaves combined from past years. I pray that God will convict every soul to watch this movie and pay it forward.🙏🏻🙏🏻
They say it is True, but my gut tells me they crossed over the “credibility line” at least 3-4 tims
Hope this help with credibility –
Holy hell reviewer. Maybe look up the “true story” behind this movie before you praise these knuckleheads as heroes. Lol
At last, a professional film critic who writes about this movie. I completely agree with your review. Could have used better pacing and flesh out some supporting characters (like Mira Sorvino, for example). It is indeed a powerful story, and an honest retelling. Just to think that it only scratches the surface. The theater I went to was packed. You are not alone if you cried or felt gobsmacked throughout. Go see it!
Thank you for reviewing this movie without the belittling of the fact it’s “faith-based” and criticism it comes from narrow-minded Christian conservatives. It just happens this subject matter, compared to many other disturbing issues humanity faces almost always gets pushback. It’s heartbreaking fortune 500 companies will do anything for my hard earned dollar, except help make me and my family feel safe.
Great review
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