Salesman and the Nine Circles of Corporate Hell Image

Salesman and the Nine Circles of Corporate Hell

By Michael Talbot-Haynes | February 2, 2023

A viewer’s reaction to the humor of Salesman and the Nine Circles of Corporate Hell will depend on how familiar the employment conditions being satirized are to them. The quality of the commentary found in the circles remains high, with a lot of insights conveyed even when the laughs are coming slower. One of the funniest sequences is a series of title cards explaining how Gazoul ran out of money for one of the circles. It was supposed to be a musical sequence with puppets that we are assured was very good but too expensive. I have no way of knowing if this is true or not. If it wasn’t, then it is a hilarious gag.

If there was supposed to be a set piece like this in the middle of the picture, then you have to wonder if it could have lifted up some of the saggier scenes. Still, most sequences are funny, but the break room where bad things happen is a missed opportunity. Plus, what was built up to as really threatening ended up playing like a work in progress at a playwriting workshop.

“…contains some absolutely magnificent filmmaking….”

What makes Salesman and the Nine Circles of Corporate Hell a film you definitely need to see is the show-stopping third act. The eighth circle contains some absolutely magnificent filmmaking and upstages the rest of the picture. There is a sharp tone change from comedy to horror, really good horror. Aierken playing the Blind is absolutely terrifying as the human resources demon. It is here that Gazoul’s dark commentary about corporations sweeping harassment complaints under the rug is at its most profound. The power of the eighth circle propels us towards one of the most unusual and creative representations of Satan in cinema. 

Do you want to do Satan on a budget? Check this out. The Satanic finale under the fluorescent lights might be energized by how good the previous scene with Aierken is, but I was very pleased with where it all ended up. Gazoul’s re-working of Dante’s classic poem to illustrate how work is hell is smart and witty. However, if you want a glimpse of what this director is capable of, check out that awesome eighth circle. Salesman and the Nine Circles of Corporate Hell should be sought out, as you will be impressed with how high the hellfire reaches.

Salesman and the Nine Circles of Corporate Hell screened at the 2023 SF Indie Film Festival.

Salesman and the Nine Circles of Corporate Hell (2023)

Directed and Written: Gabriel Gazoul

Starring: Fred Maske, Dralla Aierken, Clinton Valencia, PJ Marino, Billy Armstrong, David Flannery, Marshall Fox, Tessa Munro, Justin Berti, Herb Mendelson, etc.

Movie score: 8/10

Salesman and the Nine Circles of Corporate Hell Image

"…re-working of Dante's classic poem to illustrate how work is hell..."

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