Surprisingly, David receives news that his potential match is free again. This time it finally works out for David. David and Linda begin dating, and David wants to tell Andy all about it. Andy does not approve of David’s new relationship with Linda as he feels betrayed. Not wanting to disappoint Andy, David breaks off his relationship with Linda. Going back to his routine of caring for his mother that randomly has outbursts towards him and not having a love life begins to take its toll on David. Things take a much more twisted turn once he gets back home and watches the video.
Aside from the stereotypical David character, this film still felt like something refreshing. The 80s (possibly early 90s theme) is something that has been trending as of late thanks to the success of Stranger Things, but not with a plot like this. The virtual dating aspect of the film could be easily set in the modern era with all of the current dating apps that have millions of users, but the VHS definitely plays a huge role in the film. This may sound a bit contradicting to my “refreshing” statement, but the film felt like something that could be seen on Tales From the Crypt or Black Mirror, which is a compliment.

“…it’s hard to come across a unique film…Rent-A-Pal…quite unique…”
Wil Wheaton is the true star of this film. His creepy therapist/creepy children’s TV show host take on his character was exactly what Rent-A-Pal needed. I began to find myself more interested in the film when Wheaton was on screen. What I still did not get by the end of the film is how his character seems to know everything that was happening in David’s life to the exact moment. That part was a plot hole for me. Although Wheaton stole the show, the rest of the cast all did very well being convincing in their roles as every actor aims to do.
In today’s film culture, it’s hard to come across a unique film. Usually, something is a reboot, remake, sequel, or something with a plot that has been done over and over before, and usually better. Rent-A-Pal is a film that is quite unique, even though it may have a stereotypical main character. But it’s the plot and supporting cast that makes this thriller seem fresh.

"…Wil Wheaton is the true star of this film."