In director Clarissa De Los Reyes and writer Mel House’s episodic comedy, Hot Angry Mom, a mother is forced to find an outlet for her rage. Marie (Mel House) is a wife and mother, but at this stage in her life, she thought she would have a burgeoning acting career. Instead, she’s on the brink of a meltdown after a viral video of a rage-induced tirade captured by her son, Zee (Eric Ruffin), hits the internet.
On the outside, Marie appears to be an agreeable people-pleaser as she tends to keep her feelings inside. Yet throughout the series, Marie is a pressure cooker about to explode, and there are pressures aplenty. Professionally, Marie is preparing for an important audition. She has no privacy in her apartment because of a broken bathroom door and the constant intrusions by Zee and her husband, Vance (Devin E. Haqq). Also, Zee is on the verge of flunking out of school.

“…a mother is forced to find an outlet for her rage.”
Then there’s the audition, in which Marie must dress as a dominatrix…sexy, but not feeling sexy. Along the way, she has to put up with sexist remarks, odd leering, and inappropriate touching. Now add the fact that Hot Angry Mom takes place in 2018, and Marie has to listen to the Brett Kavanaugh hearings as she’s stretched thin with calls from her Christian sister, a project Zee forgot to take to school, and this damn audition.
The theme running through Hot Angry Mom is the anger that builds up in our lives, and we need to find an outlet to cope with it. Throughout the series of four 9-minute episodes, Marie is faced with moments of rage, and in her mind, she lashes out, but in reality, she holds it in. Of course, it’s just a matter of time before Marie’s life explodes.
Tonally, Hot Angry Mom finds a good balance between the comedic nature of Marie’s story and finding authentic touchpoints to moments of rage women face every day. In turn, Mel House gives an empathetic performance in the serious moments without ever letting the comedy undermine her story.
For screening information, visit the Hot Angry Mom official website. Hot Angry Mom premieres at the 2023 Dances With Films.

"…authentic touchpoints to moments of rage women face..."