Grab and Run Image

Grab and Run

By Lorry Kikta | April 30, 2020

Throughout the film, we meet women of all ages and hear their stories of how they were kidnapped. We also see the assembly of a marriage ceremony that’s taking place after Ala-kachuu. It’s challenging as a woman to see that things like these are still happening. It also shows us the vast differences in the east versus the west. Kyrgyzstan is a very traditional country. In schools, they teach traditions, and most children are expected to fall in their family’s footsteps. Thankfully there is footage of a woman who chose to divorce the man she was forced to marry, but life is very hard for her and her children.

The thing I like about Grab and Run is that it is extremely objective. There’s not an obvious nudge in either direction as to how we’re supposed to feel after watching this film. We are allowed to make our own choices about the subject matter, quite unlike the unfortunate women who have been kidnapped for centuries.

“…allowed to make our own choices about the subject matter…”

I like that the practice is not called outright wrong (even though I think it is) because, in Kyrgyzstan, it is simply a way of life. We get to garner some insight as to why people might do such a thing, even though it might seem exceptionally primitive to us. There is some hope for the future of Kyrgyzstan in reference to Ala-kachuu, as we see teenagers in a classroom arguing that it’s illegal (which it technically is) and inhumane.

Grad and Run is definitely not a feel-good movie. Still, it’s essential for us, particularly in the United States, to get some information on how other countries (who aren’t as privileged as we are) conduct their affairs. An understanding of the world around us can only make us better people. So, learn about some of Kyrgyzstan’s customs and try to keep an open mind. It’s kind of hard to do, but, in the end, it’s better to know what’s going on in the world around us than not.

Grab and Run (2020)

Directed and Written: Roser Corella

Starring: Roser Corella , etc.

Movie score: 7/10

Grab and Run Image

"…an understanding of the world around us can only make us better people."

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