Chasing Red Image

Chasing Red

By Bobby LePire | January 31, 2024

Chasing Red, directed by Dennis Clancey, is about the running of the bulls. More specifically, it’s about four fierce runners determined to hit eight different bull runs in one season, the filmmaker among them. The documentary opens with Clancey preparing for his sixth consecutive run. The former Army soldier aims to “run with the horns” this go-round, which is when a person is barely outfacing the bull literally right behind them.

Then, the film introduces boxer-turned-sports writer Bill Hillmann. He loves the challenges the running of the bulls presents. His mom, on the other hand, not so much. Josiah is new this year to Fiesta de San Fermín, which is the Spanish celebration that hosts the infamous event being explored. He meets Clancey when the latter gives him a tour of the route. Finally, there’s David Ubeda, a Spanish man whose family is known throughout town as “David’s X.” Clancey, Hillmann, Josiah, and Ubeda are each hoping to have some excellent runs and leave with the most minor of injuries. But is such a thing possible, considering how volatile the bulls are?

“…four fierce runners determined to hit eight different bull runs in one season…”

Chasing Red is fascinating. Admittedly, the history of Fiesta de San Fermín and the running with the bulls could come a little earlier. Ultimately, the film is the story of the four runners and their ups and downs in their race against raging, ramming mammals. As such, this is an absorbing story of tenacity and overcoming grave odds. Injuries do occur, some minor, some major. But no matter, Clancey, Hillmann, Josiah, and Ubeda bounce back to run one more time. The exhilaration they feel when running, that adrenaline spike, will be keenly felt by all watching.

The interviews with friends and family members round out what is shown about each key figure. While the worst-case scenario is death, almost everyone remains upbeat and hopeful. Clancey captures this spirit of hope with ease. The cinematography is jaw-dropping, as it feels like the viewer is in Spain with the director and his friends. It is intense and gorgeous stuff,

Chasing Red is a thorough and thoughtful examination of what drives people. Clancey underscores how being able to overcome the running with the bulls proves one can overcome anything. The film looks excellent and, at 57 minutes, moves at an excellent pace.

Chasing Red (2015)

Directed and Written: Dennis Clancey

Starring: Dennis Clancey, Bill Hillmann, Josiah, David Ubeda, etc.

Movie score: 8.5/10

Chasing Red Image

"…thorough and thoughtful..."

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