Bump Image


By Chris Salce | March 30, 2021

Bump is a short film that follows a man looking for retribution after a trivial encounter that he just can’t let go of.

A man (Maziyar Khatam) is walking down a city street when he accidentally gets bumped by another man (Dylan Ray Hatton) as he is on the phone. This leads to the two men arguing whose fault it was, which then turns into a ridiculous pissing match of who can emasculate the other. The smaller of the two men thinks that if his friend saw him getting bumped from across the street, it would lead to him getting his wallet stolen and somehow meaning that someone would be stealing his girlfriend (but said in a funnier and explicit way).

“A man is walking down a city street when he accidentally gets bumped by another man…”

The entire short is a wide shot as if we are witnessing the encounter from across the street. It adds something credible and unique. The dialogue between the two characters is also very authentic and sounds like what many have witnessed before at a bar or street corner.

The only real downside to this short movie is the fact that it is, well, short. I wanted to watch more, especially with the possibility of seeing where the story could go. The silver lining here is that wanting to see more is a plus. A lot of credit should go to Maziyar Khatam, who acts in the film as well as wrote and directed the project. Bump is an entertaining three-minutes and change, which is impressive, being that it is difficult to make something stimulating in that short of a timespan.

Bump (2021)

Directed and Written: Maziyar Khatam

Starring: Maziyar Khatam, Dylan Ray Hatton, etc.

Movie score: 8.5/10

Bump Image

"…an entertaining three-minutes and change..."

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  1. Jake Reed says:

    Where can we watch the film?

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