Aaron Fisher Overcoming Mental Illness Directing Inside The Rain Image

Aaron Fisher Overcoming Mental Illness Directing Inside The Rain

By Alan Ng | January 9, 2020

How about Eric?
My casting director reached out to Eric Roberts, and he loved the script, and I think he brought a lot to the character of Monty, who plays a washed-up film producer – Eric’s great and really funny in the film. I feel so grateful to have two Academy Award-nominated actors in my first film.

One other thing about getting those actors, I don’t want to sound arrogant, but it’s also like the quality of the script. Like Rosie Perez wouldn’t have reacted that way if she didn’t like the script. A quality script made it much more likely that they would take a chance on a no-name—a person who has never made a feature film in his life, and no one knows who he is.

It also helped that Christine Vachon of Killer Films signed on board maybe two, two-and-a-half-years through screenwriting. She jumped on board with one of the earlier drafts. So that helps make the film look much more legitimate when we were casting.

“A quality script made it much more likely that they would take a chance on a no-name…”

One moment in the film really stuck out to me. In the opening, when Dr. Holloway tells your character that she can cure Ben in six weeks. It’s a fantastical claim in the film. Where did that come from?
I saw many psychiatrists, many therapists, psychoanalysts, all this bullshit, and nothing helped. I saw Dr. Ronald R. Fieve, and he passed away a few years ago. He was the first doctor who said, “You’ve got talent, and you’re going to go places.” He said, “I’m going to cure you in three weeks.”

I mean, he was a sort of like what you would expect like a mad genius, scientists would look like. I mean he pioneered lithium for bipolar, he did the first test on humans for it and got it approved by the FDA, and also in the DSM manual, he helped to distinguish then between Bipolar 1 and Bipolar 2. So he was very influential… but also a little crazy, kind of like a mad scientist doctor would talk.

In his book, he says that the top 10 most successful people in the world and in their professions are all bipolar. He says that part of his definition of bipolar is that he said, “If you bought a house for $3 million and sold it for 30 million,” he said, “I would tell you, tell you’re bipolar.” He’s a little bit of a fanatic, but that’s how he talks.

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  1. Duane Barone says:

    I thought the films is brilliant. It’s an amazing characterizations of the fluctuations and triggers interacting, especially without meds. I loved how sensitive Ben is to needing connection and yet finding rejection. The saddest aspect of taking a “normal” experience and having it turn to suicide was spot on!! Hella movie. I’ll be buying it to show my male and female domestic violence groups. I’m a therapist.

  2. Mary Ann Farley says:

    would love to see this so interesting

  3. Bonnie Coyle says:

    This sounds like an amazing movie. As someone who sufferes CPTSD and DID along with deoression and anxiety I try to help others overcome their own mental blocks about my condotions. Too many judge what they can not comprehend or understand.

  4. Darlene Rese says:

    I think this would be very remarkable to see and very impressive to see how the story unwinds. I have been diagnosed earlier in life as schitzophrenic disorder and then later with bipolar disorder. This has hindered me also in my job twice and since I am retired now and married 15 years to my soulmate, I am quite adjusted mentally and doing well in that area. The main thing I suffer from is physical, COPD. I would very much like to see this movie when it comes out.

  5. Catherine Simonetti says:

    I am so proud of you!! You kept on trucking and got the job done!!! I am also bipolar so I can truly relate. Bipolar sucks! I can’t say enough about you I am astonished !!! I want to write a book and you inspire me!! Most people couldn’t have made it thru my life, but I never gave up just as you didn’t! Can’t wait to see the distribution ! I am excited ! Again thank you! Catherine Simonetti

  6. Roseann Voigt says:

    Aaron Fisher, you wanted to make a love story but look at all these comments, this movie is gonna help people way more, you are a brave man and I thank you, also any screenings in Chicago coming? ✌️Ty

  7. Roseann Voigt says:

    Aaron fisher, maybe I didn’t want to make this movie and wanted to make a love story, but look at all these comments from people who actually needed someone like you to do it, we are all blessed and happy you did it ! 👏👏👏 btw will there be a screening in Chicago anytime? I sure hope so,👍you are a brave man✌️

  8. Joe Nolan says:

    Can’t wait until March to see it!

  9. Rae says:

    Keep Me Updated Thank You

  10. K says:

    How can I contact the writer of this article?

  11. Harold A Maio says:

    —-We also talked about the stigma associated with bipolar disorder and how easy it is to write-off people with mental health issues.

    May you please change the conversation to talking about the people trained to voice that prejudice. They have done enough harm. Idly repeating them has done enough harm.

  12. Nancy Maddox says:

    I looking forward to seeing your movie Mr Fischer ,Aaron if I may.
    “Inside the Rain ” is a cool title. I live in Northern California so it is not a freezing title .i’m interested in where are you film the film I was just looking on it on the fb feed, I am assuming New York ?
    Nancy Maddox

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