As the holiday season approaches, we all get buried under a pile of “The Best Christmas Movies” lists. These never-ending posts round up the cheesiest seasonal movies with outrageous plots. These lists miss the whole point! The best holiday movies have nothing to do with Christmas. When you are done unwrapping presents and eating mounds of holiday food, your soul craves only one thing: a comfortable movie you can watch over and over again and never get tired.
“To prepare Film Threat readers for the seasonal onslaught of consumerism and family drama, we collected a long list of the movies that our readers love to watch over and over again…”
The kind of movie that can sooth all the emotional trauma of the season. The kind of movie that feels as cozy as your favorite sweater. To prepare Film Threat readers for the seasonal onslaught of consumerism and family drama, we collected a long list of the movies that our readers love to watch over and over again. We even added some recommendations from film buffs around the world. So sit back and enjoy a few of the most rewatchable movies of all time this holiday season.
At the end, share a tribute to your most rewatchable movie in the comments!
I kicked off the list with my favorite action movie. I have watched this movie so many times, but I will never get tired of watching a barefoot cop take down a clever group of bad guys. The movie gets bonus points because it is set during the holiday season.
Reader Patrick Cronas added this classic movie with an equally re-playable soundtrack. From a great Cab Calloway performance to an immortal version of “Rawhide,” this movie always works.
Patrick summed it up: “The one film I remember watching countless times was The Blues Brothers. It was a masterful mix of music and comedy. The year it hit cable, I must’ve watched it two dozen times and that’s a low estimate.”
Hundreds of Reddit readers confessed to re-watching this movie as kids. “How can you re-watch something if it never ends?” chimed in one reader, raising a philosophical question about our ability to watch this movie over and over again.
Take a moment to watch the official music video for the theme song, a glam rock classic that gets sung over and over again during the most recent season of Stranger Things.
Reader Walter Thompson added this Western with a dynamite cast. Walter calls it “a good old fashioned John Wayne western where the good guys win.” This scene is particularly rewatchable…