5 Celebrities Who Quit Smoking Thanks to Vaping Image

5 Celebrities Who Quit Smoking Thanks to Vaping

By Film Threat Staff | August 17, 2021

Overcoming addiction to cigarettes can sometimes be difficult, but it can be done. Therefore, we present to you five celebrities who managed to change this habit thanks to vaping.

Like us, some celebrities have also become addicted to cigarettes, such as dab vape pens. Fortunately, they managed to overcome this with the wax vape pen, which, by the way, is one of the best methods of fighting smoke, according to a study published in The New England Journal of Medicine. By the way, if you’re considering following in their footsteps towards a healthier lifestyle, and want to enjoy prolonged vaping sessions, you might be interested to know there’s a high-quality dab pen battery for sale that can get you started.

There is a definite relationship between movies and smoking. The most famous actors often smoke the cigarettes in films. Such episodes are a kind of promotion of tobacco, which is not encouraged in society. In many states, any episode with an element of smoking or drinking has a warning sign in the corner of the screen. However, over the past years, we can see more and more vaping in Hollywood. Vaping is significantly less harmful than tobacco smoking. The best concentrate pen also vape juices with different fragrances do more than enrich vaping. So, you can try the best dab and wax pens 2021 — vaping daily.

If you want to quit smoking and enjoy a disposable vape, we invite you to meet stars who have come the same way as you. Maybe this will serve as an impetus. Good luck!

1. Leonardo DiCaprio

The famous actor has been seen vaping for a variety of reasons, from cycling to dining. However, one of the most controversial cases was at the 2016 Screen Actors Guild Awards, in which he was asked about “passive” couples, but only out of ignorance, as he was shown not to cause any harm to the people around with steam.

Some speculate that thanks to him, others in the industry dared to show themselves publicly, as he was one of the first to love vaping since the beginning of this trend. Thus, little by little it became common to see the Hollywood heartthrob surrounded by couples at various events and increasingly with more modern devices. Since we quit, we can officially declare DiCaprio the perfect person.

2. Katty Perry

The actress is a staunch supporter of the best wax pens and one of the vaping pioneers in the celebrity world. He was seen doing this at essential awards such as the Golden Globes, where he split pairs with his boyfriend, Orlando Bloom.

3. Johnny Depp

As if one could admire it more, we tell you that Deep is also an established vaper. He started vaping thanks to a scene in the movie “Tourist” in which he plays a traveler. In this context, his character soars during a train ride.

4. Simon Cowell

This renowned jury of American Idol and Factor X has joined the vaper community to quit smoking. But this change in life has a much deeper reason, and it is that he did not want to smoke next to his son, a beautiful gesture of love, right?

5. Jack Nicholson

At 82, the actor is destroying many people’s central social stigma about vaping, namely “youth only”. He has been seen many times, from signing autographs to sporting events.


For one reason or another, all these celebrities have quit smoking thanks to being replaced by vaping. We hope that their experience has accompanied you and motivated you, because if they could, then you could too! So what are you waiting for the change?

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  1. Denise Dubois says:

    Love you Leo DiCaprio.
    Please stop smoking.
    One of the best actors of our generation
    Health is everything. Please take care.

  2. Celebrities who quit smoking? – Smart Living says:

    […] 5 Celebrities Who Quit Smoking Thanks to Vaping | Film Threat […]

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