OUTFEST has announced the nominees for the fourth annual Screen Idol Awards, which honor the best four 2003 performances – Best Actor, Best Actress, Best Supporting Actor, Best Supporting Actress – in a gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgendered role in a feature film or movie for television.
Voting is currently open to the general public at www.advocate.com. Open voting will close on February 29, 2004. The Screen Idol Awards winners will then be announced shortly thereafter.
The nominees are as follows:
Best Performance by an Actor in a Leading Role:
Seth Green, PARTY MONSTER ^ Justin Kirk, “ANGELS IN AMERICA” ^ Lee Pace, SOLDIER’S GIRL ^ Al Pacino, “ANGELS IN AMERICA” ^ Tom Wilkinson, NORMAL
Best Performance by an Actress in a Leading Role:
Gina Gershon, PREY FOR ROCK AND ROLL ^ Lun-mei Guey, “BLUE GATE CROSSING” ^ Frances McDormand, LAUREL CANYON ^ Rachel Stirling, TIPPING THE VELVET ^ Charlize Theron, MONSTER
Best Performance by an Actor in a Supporting Role:
Wilson Cruz, PARTY MONSTER ^ Jason Priestley, “DIE MOMMIE DIE!” ^ Ben Shenkman, “ANGELS IN AMERICA” ^ Patrick Wilson, “ANGELS IN AMERICA” ^ Jeffrey Wright, “ANGELS IN AMERICA”
Best Performance by an Actress in a Supporting Role:
Marcia Gay Harden, GAUDI AFTERNOON ^ Sandra Oh, UNDER THE TUSCAN SUN ^ Lori Petty, PREY FOR ROCK AND ROLL ^ Christina Ricci, MONSTER ^ Lili Taylor, GAUDI AFTERNOON
Vote at The Advocate.