The 2008 CineVegas Film Festival is winding down, and so is my ability to keep up with the festivities. Recovery from bowling was painful, but I am happy to say that the groin pull isn’t that bad, the blood blister is no longer bright red, the heel is healing and, in general, I feel quite well-rested. Friday will be my final night for any sort of partying, so I expect to finish strong, but in the meantime, just been working on reviews and, as you have seen daily, writing blog entries.
Tonight is actually an early night, considering. 2am or thereabouts ain’t bad. Mainly because tonight’s event, while a fun one, also didn’t last all evening. See, tonight was the screening of “Them!” at Fremont Street’s Drive-In (located well north of the Strip in Old Downtown Las Vegas). Jamie and I had been informed earlier in the day that we were going to be able to share seats in an Escalade for the screening with Jeff and Heather from Reelz.

We’ve been enjoying the lure of the Escalade all week, as that was the shuttle that got us from Planet Hollywood to the Palms daily, and it was cool to be sitting in our old friend for some old-fashioned drive-in action. Old-fashioned in the sense that we were in a car and not, say, because any of us made out with each other. I did down many Red Bull Colas, however.

Jeff played the concerned Father…

…and Jamie played the concerned Mother. Why were they constantly checking in on me? Probably because “Them!” is scary, and they wanted to make sure I could handle what I was seeing. Of course I could, right? I’m no scaredy-cat…

After the film ended, we all made our way to the Downtown bar at the corner of Las Vegas Blvd and Fremont for some late night drinking. Fremont Street reminded me a lot of Universal Citywalk back in Los Angeles…

Our night ended shortly after making it to the bar, however, as the three of us… I just don’t think any of us were up for it tonight. The bar was really dark inside, and that made it difficult to see or walk, and none of us wanted to battle our way to get drinks so… we called it a night. I’m sure if I wasn’t on Day 8 of the festival, with 6 of those 8 days including 5am hotel room returns, I’d have been more up for things but… I’m wearing down, man. Doing what I can…
It was definitely a unique one. Personally, I think the movie lends itself to some serious, Red Bull-enthused MST3K action (couldn’t help myself, really), but it was a fun event.
It must have been quite an experience to see Them! on the big screen.