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By Film Threat Staff | June 2, 2003

Always wanted to make it onto “Beat the Geeks,” but couldn’t make the cut? No problem! Here’s your chance to MEET the TV Geek, Movie Geek and Music Geek…and then you can slug them in the gut. That would be beating a geek, right?
On Saturday, June 14th at 8:00pm, Paul Goebel (the TV Geek), Marc Edward Heuck (the Movie Geek) and Andy Zax (the Music Geek) will be making an appearance at M Bar with Teddy Towne (the 90210 Geek) in tow.
M Bar is located at 1253 N. Vine in Hollywood. Join the Geeks for dinner and drinks.
Make reservations at 323-856-0036.

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