You have until [ November 9th, 2000 ] to submit your mind-bogglingly brilliant short film to the Hypnotic/Universal Pictures Million Dollar Film Festival. Then, from [ November 13th ] through [ December 28th ] , viewers will log in and choose the five best from the 25 choice cuts selected by Hypnotic, which will have been weened out from the hundreds of films they’ll likely be receiving.
Post-online voting, the top five will be screened at Sundance in January of 2001, where the Most Hypnotic Film will be selected by a panel of special judges. To the winner go the spoils: the film’s director will receive a development deal with Universal and Hypnotic worth a fat $1 million. The studios have also committed to distribute the film through various channels on and offline.
It’s democracy and dollars, and you’ve only got a week to get in on it and rob some undeserving chump of the glory that rightfully belongs to you. For all entry information, see the [ the Hypnotic website. ]