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By Admin | May 23, 2000

What would you do if your father called you up for a weekend stay at his old gothic home and you found he had arranged for you to get married? That’s the opening premise of “The Eden Myth.” Vincent (Gil Rogers) has reunited his family, three sons and one daughter, for the wedding of the youngest brother. The only problem is that the younger brother, Aldo (Justin Kirk), has never met his wife-to-be. He reluctantly takes up his father’s arranged marriage on the grounds that, well, his wife is good looking I guess (because there definitely isn’t any chemistry between the two). The rest of the family members aren’t really worth spending too much time discussing; the plot certainly doesn’t seem to worry about developing them. Anyhow, the visit becomes extended after the mysterious death of the brother Edward (Mark Pinter). The remaining visitors, Roland (Todd Weeks), Doreen (Jenna Stern), and the newlywed Colleen (Julie Dion) begin to discover a dark family secret that has spanned several generations. The domineering Vincent is trying to keep the family tradition in place, one way or another.
“The Eden Myth” is trying to sell itself as a film with a…secret. After only twenty minutes, I didn’t really care what the secret was. The movie is a big mess that tries to hold an air of suspense and drama that never lives up to much. There are almost no subplots to keep interest sustained and the payoff is delivered with such outrageous circumstances that I didn’t know whether to laugh, or tune out. “The Eden Myth” is another movie that was picked up by Hollywood Video through their First Rites festival.
The film and the performances are absurd enough to find a spot on Science Fiction Theater 2000. Other than those kind words, I can’t really say much more about this movie.

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