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By Merle Bertrand | August 8, 2000

It’s one thing to forget that you’ve already taken your vitamins and pop in a second tablet. It’s perfectly understandable to repeat a conversation, telling the same story to the same person a second time. But having sex with someone for a second time…and not realizing that you’ve already done it with him or her once before, well, that’s something else entirely. Either that first time was a totally uninspiring experience…or you’ve been sleeping around waaaaay too much.
Yet, that’s exactly what a somber and horrified Paige (Rachel Harry) realizes occurred the night before when she meets up with Brad (Sean Devine), her twice-lucky but apparently utterly forgettable once and a sequel night stand at a party. This realization that she’s been making sweat angels — the sweat patterns left behind on the sheets after lovemaking — so many times with so many people with so little emotional involvement, forces her to take stock of her life. When she does, she realizes that she may be in love after all and it might be too late…since the guy is her best friend Julie’s (Sara Bradeen) boyfriend Merrick (Jason Liebman).
Jon Tucker’s “Sweat Angels” surrounds a sweet if undeveloped love story with its highly provocative premise. Yet oddly, the film never capitalizes on this hook. There are no great emotional peaks and valleys here; no real conflicts or strife. Instead, its relatively bland characters tend to talk the issue to death…only to decide to do, well, nothing at all about it. Even sweat angels change as the sweat dries up or seeps into the fabric. That makes them far more interesting than both these shallow slaves to their hormones and this film about them.

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