Just got this little note from Andrew Cohen, associate editor at large for Newsweek.com and we thought we’d share it with you, not only our readers, but our reviewers as well, right here on the front page of Film Threat:
Hello. My name is Andrew Cohen, and I’m an associate editor at Newsweek.com in New York.
Please forgive the form-letter format, but I’m writing because we’re preparing coverage of this year’s Oscars awards, and we’d like to include the opinions of a group of dedicated “amateur” reviewers with distinctive viewpoints, like yourself.
In short, what I’d like from you is your opinion of which Oscar-eligible 2002 films, performances, screenplays etc. were most the notable or laudible–and why–from your point of view. Who would *you* give golden statuette to? You need not address every Oscar category, just the one(s) you find relevant. (A complete list of eligible films can be found at www.oscars.org/75academyawards/reminder/index.html.) Then, next month, in advance of the Oscars on March 23, we’ll be posting a round-up of the replies as part of our Academy Awards reporting.
We’ll have to limit written replies to 200 words or less, or you can call me to dictate your answer over the phone. I appreciate your taking the time to participate in this project. If you have any questions, I can be reached Wed. to Fri. at 212-445-4654 or by replying to this e-mail – Andrew.Cohen@Newsweek.com.
Thank you again for your help.
Sincerely, ^ –Andrew Cohen
We’d like to invite anyone who feels the need to, especially any of our “amateur” reviewers, to contact Andrew and let him know just what your viewpoint is.