The Elimination…
As stated, Kenny Luby was given his walking papers, which is something I’ve been calling for since Day One. So, yay for that. Of course, Kenny was only one of two and the other filmmaker following him down the Walk of Shame was Mateen. Of the two, Mateen is a real filmmaker, and we’ll be seeing bigger and better from him so… this is a speed bump, Mateen, no worries.
The Judges…
Brad Silberling joins Carrie and Garry, and was promptly mauled by an overly amorous Carrie Fisher. Let’s face it, regardless of what you think of Carrie today, it’s a geeks fantasy to make out with Princess Leia.
The Shorts…
It’s down to the final six, and the show has finally put a timeline on the competition: three weeks. Yup, in three weeks it’s all over. Each filmmaker makes a short a week now, and this week is all about the romantic comedy.
“The Bonus Feature” Directed by Zach Lipovsky
Masterfully executed homages, but it really felt more like a Universal Studios theme ride commercial than a short. A cut above the rest, normally, but this is the second short in a row where Zach has stumbled.
“Girl Trouble” Directed by Adam Stein
Transgenders gone wild! Boom poles! A little predictable (the “American Beauty” bit was awesome), but overall a chuckle, not a full laugh.
“Unplugged” Directed by Will Bigham
Who loves lamp? Will loves lamp. Cute office romance short, but the lamp thing is so Pixar. Was a fun little bit until the end’s forced romantic moment between the office workers. Would’ve liked to see the two lamps f**k, but that’s just me.
“Keep Off Grass” Directed by Andrew Hunt
Every gardener’s worst nightmare, a domestic dispute between two superheroes that trashes the yard. Definitely an interesting perspective, but… overall felt very “meh.”
“American Hoe” Directed by Sam Friedlander
This short showcases just a few of the reasons why I don’t want to get married. I do have to agree with Carrie Fisher, however, that I would’ve preferred more of a deliberate intent on the husband’s part to screw things up.
“Old Home Boyz” Directed by Jason Epperson
Best short of the evening! Two old guys dance off for the love of a lady and… great. Zach may’ve been the frontrunner when the show began, but Jason has been gaining with each short and… Jason, you’re finally a contender!
Final Thoughts…
The judges may’ve been split on who they thought had the best short, but for me it was Jason’s “Old Home Boyz.” But what about my picks for the worst two shorts? I think it’s going to come down to Sam’s “American Hoe,” Adam’s “Girl Trouble” and Andrew’s “Keep Off Grass.” I think Sam is on for a definite next week dismissal, but I’m having trouble deciding between Adam and Andrew for the other one. Adam’s was definitely more accomplished in the humor category, but both were pretty blah, and I’d hate to see Andrew go home before the final 4 but… we’ll see. America, your call.
– Mark Bell, Editor-on-the-Home Stretch
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