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By Film Threat Staff | March 3, 2005

1973 sleazefest “The Candy Snatchers” will screen at the Nuart in Los Angeles, March 18th at midnight.

Candy Phillips (Susan Sennet) is sixteen, beautiful, innocent, and completely unaware that she has a date with a horror-filled destiny…

It begins when Jessie (Tiffany Bolling), a 24-year-old blonde with big ideas about instant wealth, sees a television show about a girl who was kidnapped, buried alive, and held for ransom. Jessie convinces her brother Alan (Alan David) and his friend Eddy (Vincent Martorano) that the three of them could pull off a similar caper and get rich.

One sunny afternoon, Candy is abducted by the gang and bundled into a van. They blindfold, bind and gag her and take her to a hilltop where they bury her alive; a pipe supplies her only oxygen.

Candy’s stepfather (Ben Piazza) is a successful jeweler and it is in ‘ice’ that the kidnappers want the ransom paid; their only trouble: he won’t pay up. In a bone-chilling turn of events, Candy’s adulterous step-dad curtly enlightens the kidnappers as to their domestic situation: that her millionaire father died only two years hence, leaving Candy as the sole heir to his fortune and it is because of this that he has taken up with Candy’s booze-addled mom. Should anything happen to Candy, half of those millions will belong to him. So it is with all the best wishes in the world that he sends them on their way to kill her.

We don’t know about you guys, but we live for movies like these.

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