Weaving socially responsible content into pure entertainment at one of the most pristine locations on the West Coast is the driving force behind one of the country’s fastest growing, emerging film festivals.
In just its second year out, The Tahoe/Reno International Film Festival (T-RIFF) offers a unique film festival experience. This year’s theme, “Celebrating the Human Spirit,” will bring many intriguing and provocative topics to light while also drawing attention to such critical subjects as global warming, the truth about the oil crisis and other profound social and human rights issues that touch every nation.
While screening a rare and diverse spectrum of films, T-RIFF will host workshops, celebrity tributes, parties, and expert panels. One of the highlights of the festival is a short script competition, PAGES TO PICTURES: the winning short screenplay will be produced into a film during the intensive digital film production workshop, with the writer in the director’s chair alongside a Hollywood crew. The short will be shot and edited in just five days and shown at the closing awards ceremony of the festival.
Coinciding with the widely-publicized documentaries, An Inconvenient Truth (a brutally honest examination of global warming by Al Gore) and Who Killed the Electric Car? (questioning the discontinuation of electric cars in the late 1990s, despite consumers’ demand) environmental documentaries to be shown at this year’s festival include:
A Crude Awakening – The Oil Crash. Directed by Basil Gelpke and Ray McCormack.. As the world’s dependence upon oil and oil-based products grows incrementally, the world’s oil diminishes every year. Crude Awakening reviews the apex of oil, various day to day living standards that are only viable with oil, and the demise of cities and nations whose main export product was oil – that have run dry.
Nobelity. Directed by Turk Pipkin. All of us are searching for solutions and ways to take personal actions to affect change, especially for our children’s future. An Inconvenient Truth raises compelling questions, Nobelity offers compelling answers. Featuring interviews with 9 distinguished Nobel Laureates, Nobelity is a stunning journey to find enlightening answers to the world’s most pressing problems.
Secret Mysteries of America’s Beginnings. Directed by Christian J. Pinto. In the 16th century, Sir Francis Bacon, as the chief of the Rosicrucians and first Grand Master of modern Freemasonry, helmed secret societies in England. Bacon sent these societies into the new world to launch a philosophic empire he called ‘The New Atlantis.’ This fascinating documentary will be attended by panelists to bring to life the secret mysteries behind the founding of America, revealing the esoteric underbelly of its design.
The 2006 Tahoe/Reno International Film Festival runs August 23-27, 2006.