Death by laundry basket! Now I’ve got you intrigued, don’t I? Yes, it’s time for the lousiest funny two minute movie you’ve ever seen with “Saww III: The Sherman Oaks Webcam Murders”.
So what we have here plotwise is pretty self-explanatory when you consider the title and the fact that this sucker’s got a run time of less time than it takes me to finish off a donut.
But, what you’ll be watching in this remarkably short time is footage from what a group of students found in the upstairs bedroom closet of the house in Sherman Oaks, CA, they moved into in 1993. In that closet, they found a web cam and a hard drive.
Now already this begs a question–who in 1993 even knew what the hell the “web” was, let alone where they got a “cam” for it. Were hard drives in 1993 big enough to store a two minute video? Maybe, I suppose.
And in this particularly grainy two minute video, we get to see a guy in a black t-shirt kill people via various unusual methods, including death by stapler, spray can, and of course, the piece de resistance, a plastic laundry basket.
I know what you’re thinking–I’ve never seen a man get beaten to death with a plastic laundry basket before, either.
So, okay. It’s really tough to draw any kind of conclusions about a two minute movie with no dialogue and a body count, but I’m forced to try. It’s really rather cheesy, and stretches a bit into lame, but it’s also good for a chuckle or two, and even if the movie sucked (which it kind of does, let’s be honest), it sucked for two whole minutes so it’s not like it just wasted my whole evening. Plus, the originality of death by laundry is well worth my two minutes. A solid not bad from Brian Laesch and crew.