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By Holly Mosher | December 27, 2007

I wanted to make an appeal to you to consider helping a woman who I believe is making a great documentary about a very important topic which you probably heard about in the news earlier this year – the vanishing of the bees. “The Vanishing of the Bees,” a feature-length documentary, takes a piercing investigative look at the economic, political and spiritual implications of the world wide disappearance of the honeybee, a potential ecological apocalypse that could topple our food chain and forever devastate our way of life.

From the dawn of society, the nature and origin of the honeybee has awakened the curiosity and interest of man. In the past five million years, this furry insect has been a creature of special sanctity, representing many things such as the human soul, industry, cooperation and the sacred feminine. Our relationship with bees also denotes the most ancient form of agriculture. Today, however a mysterious phenomenon, known as “Colony Collapse Disorder,” is killing the honeybee; they’re disappearing all over the planet and nobody is quite sure why.

Maryam Henein has been following the bees since the beginning of the year and she only has a few things left that need to be filmed for her documentary, but they are all happening in the first two months of 2008 and she has run out of funds.

Maryam needs $2000 to cover the National Beekeeping Conference in Sacramento from Jan 9-12. Then she needs to raise $1500 for a trip to Florida in January to check in with beekeeper Jim Doan to see how his bees have survived this year. Finally, in February, she needs $1,000 to film the First Ever Organic Beekeeping Conference in Arizona and an additional $1000 for a trip to film the bees from all across the country arriving in California for the annual pollinating of the almond trees.

If the bees continue to disappear at the alarming rates that they did this past season, we will start to see a big impact in what food is available at the market. If the bees continue to die off the way they did last year, this is a potentially catastrophic situation. Maryam is passionate about the bees and finding out what is ailing them and getting the message out so that we can prevent any catastrophes. Please take the time to watch her trailer at:

I am making this appeal because she has spent a lot of her own money and time and she is completely at wits end. She needs to film the next two months in order to complete the story.

Please be generous and join me in making a donation to this very worthy film and cause right away. If you can, please send a gift today. Time is of the utmost importance to get this film in the can.

All deductions are tax-deductible to the full extent of the law, and checks can be made out to Empowerment Works, which is the 501c3 fiscal sponsor of the film. Send any contributions to:

Empowerment Works
Attn: Maryam Henein
1837 Grace Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90028
EIN: 31-1796801

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