Dear Diary,
Land of the Dead wasn’t so hot, and lots of people were expecting it to be awesome. What should I do? Another film? Retire? Oh, sometimes I wish making movies were as easy as writing in you, diary. Oh!
George A. Romero, the man, the myth, the legend… has signed on to write and direct Diary of the Dead, another installment in his storied …of the Dead series. This one will be reminiscient of The Blair Witch Project, in that it tells the tale of “a group of college students shooting a horror movie in the woods who stumble upon a real zombie uprising. When the onslaught begins, they seize the moment as any good film students would, capturing the undead in a “cinema verite” style that causes more than the usual production headaches.”
The film will also mark Romero’s return to independent filmmaking, as it will be done without studio funding.
Read the rest of the story at The Hollywood Reporter>>>