The wildest film fest in Los Angeles featured a one-night stand of full-frontal films. Pink Bubble Bath, the sexy film festival, returned to LA for more screenings of funny, interesting, and sometimes revealing films. Very revealing actually.
This year’s event was hosted by Dita Von Teese, world famous pin up model and burlesque dancer. While her unforgettable performance interrupted the films, no one complained. I had a front row seat for the festivities and was not disappointed. Well, Dita didn’t disappoint, the quality of the films varied. There were three truly great shorts in the bunch. “Pig Skin Orgasm,” a montage of homo-erotic images from the manly world of sports, “Undisciplined,” about a spanking-obssessed woman and “Fruit Salad,” about a man who makes love (literally) to a mountain of fruit. You haven’t seen a crowd worked up at a film fest until you’ve seen an audience witness a man porking a watermelon. That is a sight I will never forget.
Before the screening, there was a reception with an open bar and the goodie bags even featured free porn. Cool! Free booze and porn!
The screenings began at 10PM and consisted of 19 sex-themed short films from around the world. I was on the jury for the fest which also included Josie Maran (Sports Illustrated swimsuit model), Dr. Susan Block (Institute for the Erotic Arts & Sciences), Marty Klein (sex therapist), and Gerry Gershman (film producer).
What I remember of the evening was great. Some members of the Film Threat staff even made it out for the evening. (Free porn is always a great incentive.) It’s really more of a party than a film festival and these pictures tell the whole story…
Get the full report in the next part of PINK BUBBLE BATH FILM FESTIVAL PHOTOS GALORE>>>