Amir Motlagh’s films keep getting better. This time around he’s not the writer, but his talent is all over this short film about relationships, immigration and dreams. It’s based on some short stories by Lilledeshan Bose, who immigrated to the United States after the death of her painter father. These stories are taken from her life. They aren’t always pleasant, but they have an emotional quality to them that is lacking in similar films. She’s also not the most sympathetic character, but you understand her reasons for feeling the way she does, and you can accept her for it.
This is one of those films that will get under your skin and stay there. You may find yourself wondering why you care so much about a young lady who seems to be so self-centered, but by the end credits you’ll come to realize she isn’t much different than you. That’s where this film gets its foundation from — experiences common to everyone who is human.
Kudos to Bose and Motlagh. Let’s hope this isn’t the last time they work together.