It’s become a new trend to promote books. Author Hasso Wolfe Wuerslin is definitely taking a pro-active approach to promote his latest book “Mirror the Dead.” In fact, he really thinks it would make a great movie and he’ll prove it. On his web site Deadbooks.com, you can view a movie trailer for, well, his book.
“I’m a Sci-Fi horror writer who thinks it’s damn time film and books were no longer separated at birth,” says Hasso Wolfe Wuerslin. “I want to change boring old publishing by bringing book trailers into the mainstream.”
Hasso Wolfe Wuerslin has plans to expand the site as well as his book line. “One day on your site not only will you show the trailers for upcoming Hollywood movies but trailers for upcoming books.”
Check out more on DeadBooks.com.
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