“Make Your Own Damn Movie!” is the digital companion piece to Lloyd Kaufman’s book of the same name. From this set you’re to learn everything about independent film making, from proper sound and editing to marketing, camera work and whoreing yourself out for the film’s budget. Spanning 12 hours and 5 discs are interviews with directors such as: Herschell Gordon Lewis (“Blood Feast,” “2000 Maniacs”), Stuart Gordon (“Reanimator,” “From Beyond”), Bill Lustig (“Maniac,” “Maniac Cop”), George Romero (“Day of the Dead,” Dawn of the Dead”) and those nut cases who made “South Park,” Matt Stone and Trey Parker.
A color-key chart is included to help maneuver about this labyrinth of advice, anecdotes, lessons in special FX and general all-around tomfoolery. To top this package off right the Troma team included a special parchment to be signed by the student at the end of the “Make Your Own Damn Movie!” class. Of course your Troma Diploma, once signed, will be suitable for framing. Whether you’re an aspiring film maker or a sloven couch potato who immediately scours the Bonus Materials of your newest DVD, “Make Your Own Damn Movie!” has gobs and gobs of information and entertainment to offer all.