Not so much a festival but one, big practical joke, Lapdance returned to Park City combining two great loves of most of the men in town for the Sundance Film Festival – movies and strippers. Last year the event, which was put on by South Park boys Trey Parker and Matt Stone, was a gigantic rave with almost a thousance people that took place at the cavernous Silver Mine. They bused in strippers that danced while indie movies played in the bathrooms and on big screens. Adult film star Houston herself was in attendance for the festivities and was recruiting men for her “Houston 500” movie (don’t ask). This year the event was only slightly more low-key as it took place at Harry-O’s on Main Street – a venue about one quarter the size of the mine. However, the event did not disappoint as the ladies of Lapdance bared all. Not really. They were clothed in bikini thongs, so anyone who went didn’t really see total nudity. This year’s event was also an excuse to promote the boys new venture Craptv.com which will show movies online. While they did show movies (don’t ask me what) the pounding music and women certainly took the attention away from indie film for a while and I know that a lot of us were happy to have a break.