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By Mark Bell | June 4, 2007

In about 35 hours, I’ll be in Las Vegas for my third year of Cinevegas joy. Year one, I lost my voice by the end of the first night. Year two… well, you can read all about it. Year three, history is yet to be written.
Looking forward to peeping Ocean’s Thirteen in Vegas on Wednesday. Something about seeing a film set and reverent of the town you’re in just elevates it. And honestly, Ocean’s Thirteen does not need any elevating. My review will be up later this week…

Check back here daily during the ten day morality and sobriety endurance challenge that is the Cinevegas Film Festival for all the details on the best flicks to see, best celebrities to get drunk by the pool with and any other insanity that might present itself.

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  1. Mark Bell says:

    They rocked more than just bagels, but I didn’t… I’m a creature of carbohydrate habit…

    I miss you already, Mike.

  2. Don Lewis says:

    Man, I hate bagels.

  3. Mike Ferraro says:

    Mark, don’t forget about the free bagels in the morning at the filmmaker/press tent. Free food is a good time.

    I’ve never had so much fun covering a festival as I did that festival last year. Rock balls kids. And Mark, if you see Miriam, tell her I said hello.

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