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By Anthony Miele | June 28, 1999

“Island of the Sharks” is the latest IMAX release that brings to life a world that must be witnessed to be fully comprehended. The magnitude of the creatures involved is so vast and so great that only this 70 MM presentation can even begin to do them justice. Hammerhead sharks … manta rays and mantis shrimp are among the many sea creatures that “Island” personifies in such a vivid way that words fail to comprehend accurately.
The setting is the island of Cocos, a remote Pacific paradise 300 miles west of Costa Rica. Originally formed by a volcano, Cocos is home to thousands upon thousands of species that are all reaping the harvest of an underwater mountain, apparently called a “sea mount”. Besides the above mentioned species, its amazing inhabitants also include the gracefully-gliding stingray, the timid creolfish, sloth-like green turtles and many other, incredibly diverse animals that defy beauty. It is only in viewing these awesome creatures, in this picturesque location, on the 40 foot screen that the IMAX format offers, that you will fully understand how incredible this tropical nirvana is.
“Island of the Sharks” does one thing that most films avoid … it teaches while it entertains. In fact, “Island” would most accurately be catagorized as a documentary and the key to any good documentary is to do just this … entertain. This is a word that would surely make most filmmakers cringe … “documentary”, since most viewers look at documentaries the same way they do a trip to the dentist.
The world that “Island” brings to your grasp is simply amazing. It is one of the most breathtaking that one will ever have the opportunity to witness … without actually getting wet. This is a very entertaining film for the whole family and while it is crippled by a 40 minute running time, is well worth your time and effort.

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