Listen, if you actually need advice from some turd burglar named Herb Zipper on how to get laid via cyber-sex, then you’ve got some major problems. Everyone can get laid online. I do frequently, at least until I discovered that Ms45 was my brother in disguise. Anyways…
…one of the many issues this hilarious short, set-up like an infomercial, touches upon is that you just never know whose ear you’re typing sweet nasties into. This is obvious to a good bunch of us, but for those who can’t accept the fact that they’re bumping nasty Instant Message with someone who looks like a cross between your grandfather’s knuckles and a car accident rather than the supermodel they’re led to believe they’re holding court with, the issue is rubbed in like so much salt into a gaping wound.
The fake infomercial is for Herb Zipper, the Hugh Hefner of cyberspace, who has mastered the art of getting the ladies to submit to him through their keyboards. This short looks very much like an infomercial and in its brief running length, completely trashes the whole idea of cyber-sex. I’ll never sit naked in front of the computer again.