This odd short opens with terrible expository dialogue between two soon-to-be-single people.
“She’s just a friend, Ashley. Just chill out.” “Oh, she’s just a friend? So, now we’re feeling up our friends on the dance floor. Is that what we’re doing?” “Come on, babe, you know I get a little flirty when I’m drunk.”
This is followed by some equally terrible fake crying. The score is sappy and overdramatic and it would appear that anyone watching Flush with Fear is in for a long six minutes. But then the story takes an interesting turn as Ashley (Koch) holes up in a bathroom stall and reads a message written on the wall. She reads it out loud even though it explicitly tells her not to, so anything that happens is her own fault.
Director Christopher G. Moore also wrote and edited Flush with Fear. What started as a terrible relationship drama quickly rectified itself into horror. With some good gore and jaw-dropping twists, Flush is a solid short. The first third of the film might be too much for some viewers, pushing them to watch something else but once the real conflict starts developing, it’s worth the wait. This isn’t as strong of an effort as his previous film, Bursters. Koch also acts in Bursters and delivers a better performance. But between the two films, it’s clear that Moore has a knack for producing out-of-the-box horror fare.
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