Today marks the beginning of the 2007 San Diego Comic-Con, as attendees everywhere assault the San Diego Convention Center for Preview Night. But what about the Comic-Con proper? As each Comic-Con unfolds, more and more cinematic secrets are revealed and future film hype born. This year, Film Threat offers up a daily schedule of the film-friendly panels and presentations not to be missed this year. You may want to print all this out and add it to your Comic-Con daily prep:
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
It’s Preview Night at the San Diego Comic-Con from 6-9pm, and that means one thing: walking the exhibition floor and seeing all the kick-a*s booths and displays. For the Comic-Con veteran, this is the day to find out where all those booths with the super-hot exclusives are going to be, so you have a headstart on the masses when it comes time to line-up. Consider Preview Night to be first step in planning your own personal Geek Ground Assault on the Convention Center. Final word of advice for Preview Night: DO NOT blow your financial load the very first day. Pace yourself. No one likes premature ejaculation, physically or financially.
Thursday, July 26, 2007
The panels and presentations start today, so here’s a list of the ones with the most pre-Con buzz:
1:30-3:30, Hall H: Paramount Pictures — This is rumored the be the panel where we’ll finally find out the real title of that “Cloverfield” insanity, as JJ Abrams is scheduled to be in attendance. Additionally, clips and news of films like “Beowulf,” “The Spiderwick Chronicles,” “Stardust,” “Hot Rod,” “Iron Man,” and the next installments of “Indiana Jones” and “Star Trek” are expected to be unveiled. Beyond the previously mentioned JJ Abrams, Neil Gaiman, Roger Avery and Andy Samberg are expected to attend as well.
2:00-3:00, Room 4: G4: Code Monkeys — Okay, so this isn’t actually cinema-related, but Film Threat’s very own Chris Gore will be moderating this panel about G4’s newest show “Code Monkeys.” “Code Monkeys” creator Adam de la Peña and star Dana Snyder (also known from “Aqua Teen Hunger Force”) will be talking about the show, and no doubt anything else that pops into their, or Gore’s, minds.
3:45-5:15, Hall H: Lionsgate Special Preview Panel — Peter Fonda and Ben Foster will be on-hand to talk about “3:10 to Yuma,” Jessica Alba, Dane Cook and director Mark Helfrich will be there for “Good Luck Chuck”, Clive Barker will talk “Midnight Meat Train” and director Darren Lynn Bousman and star Tobin Bell will discuss “Saw IV.” Is that enough for you? Anyway, let’s be honest, this is closest any geek is going to get to Jessica Alba.
4:45-5:45, Room 6CDEF: Spotlight on George A. Romero — Zombie aficionado and author Max Brooks will be conducting an interview with God of the Undead George A. Romero. This is where the real film geeks should be found.
5:00-6:00, Room 5AB: Bill Plympton Goes to the Dark Side — Film Threat animation hero Bill Plympton is going to be showing some brand new shorts at this panel, as well as showcasing selected clips from his newest film “Idiots and Angels.” Bill Plympton is not to be missed.
6:00-7:00, Room 6CDEF: “Fanboys” — Considering how often this film’s release gets delayed, this may be your only chance to see “Fanboys” before you die. Possibly the perfect context for the film, outside of “Star Wars” Celebration, Comic-Con should give this film a fair reception, and filmmakers Kyle Newman, Matt Perniciaro and Dana Brunetti will be on-hand for a post-screening Q&A with stars Dan Fogler, Chris Marquette and Kristen Bell.
7:15-8:45, Room 6CDEF: “The Pixar Story: To Infinity and Beyond” — If you’re not out partying somewhere, and you dig documentaries, check out this film by director Leslie Iwerks which focuses on animation-powerhouse Pixar.
The schedule highlights continue as Film Threat takes a look at Friday and Saturday in Part Two of Film Threat’s Guide to the 2007 San Diego Comic-Con>>>