So you’re not exactly bankrolled like Atom Films, and you don’t want to see your well-crafted slice of indie film shuffled into the jumbled lists of flicks available on some online film warehouse…so what do you do? You set up your own site, dammit, and feature a juicy teaser for your cinematic centerpiece.
Digital Swarm houses a preview for “Debacle,” and from the looks of it, there’s plenty of youth gone wild, and a whole lot of blood in the bathroom. And plip-plop, did I hear a name drop? That’s right…one of the “Debacle” crew is no other than Lorcan O’Toole, son of an elder O’Toole who made this little movie about some Lawrence guy in the desert. Sneak a peek at “Debacle” for yourself at [ the Digital Swarm website. ]