For seven minutes, in black and white, we follow these funny’n’cute li’l computer animated skeleton people around, they look like Mexican Day of the Dead dolls, and we watch them hang out and go out on dates and stuff, in the city of the dead. This series of brief disconnected vignettes (which obviously served some other purpose, originally, than to be strung all together as a “short film”) is kind of odd at the edges. There’s a little money in it, it looks great, as slick as anything, and the music is fabulous. Unfortunately, the story just isn’t there; the jokes just aren’t funny. Nevertheless, if I insist that these filmmakers liked “The Nightmare Before Christmas” more than you did, and you’re inclined to disagree vehemently, perhaps you should seek this out and watch it, as you may find some kind of personal connection with “Day Off the Dead” that gave me a miss entirely.