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By Doug Brunell | March 11, 2009

Charlie is a bland clerk working in a bland office at the Department of Normality, leading a bland, regimented, mundane life. After a completely predictable promotion comes his way, he begins to realize that he has the power to change things. A series of documents come across his desk asking for things like “approval of the color blue,” and he takes a bold step by stamping the documents with a big fat “yes.” All of a sudden, we’re half way to Sin City as the black-and-white film spontaneously becomes accented with blue highlights.
It isn’t long before Charlie starts changing English words to silly nonsense, adding red and green to the world, moving the windows in his house to different walls with better views, and joyfully screwing his wife. He also manages to get fired for disturbing the status quo.

As he exits his Department of Normality office for the last time, Charlie has become self-actualized, with his whole world now in color. He has no regrets about losing his job; he has accomplished something far more important.

So, basically, the movie is a simplified and slightly mawkish fifteen-minute remake of “Pleasantville.”

Production values are nice, and some of the effects shots are impressive, but the supporting performances feel a little forced. Director Bragi Schut Jr. seems to have some skills and is probably destined to make a feature film. Provided that he begins with a more original idea, the results should be good.

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