The legacy of Adam Sandler drums along. After the success of “The Waterboy” and “The Wedding Singer,” the former SNLer again plugs into his lovable goof ball shtick and adds a dash of “There’s Something About Mary” bathroom humor. This time out, Sandler gets tossed off by two Hooter gals — his girlfriend and his roommate’s fiancee — and gets saddled with a parentless, five-year-old boy. The audacious rearing of the child includes; urinating in public, tripping roller bladers and eating ketchup for lunch. But all is not a series of crass life lesson as Sandler shoehorns himself into parenthood and meets Ms. Right (Joey Lauren Adams). Things roll along quite charmingly, until the action hit the courtroom and gets bogged down in a boorish, maudlin custody case. The Sprouse brothers (Dylan and Cole) are adorably affecting as the intrepid tot, Leslie Mann and Kristy Swanson cut curvy figures as the (former and to-be) Hooter babes and the ubiquitous Steve Buscemi is a riot as the mercurial bum on the street.