What’s the best part of making these movies? ^ The best part was I learned A LOT about the business. It was a great stepping stone and I always believe a working actor is better than an actor in acting class.
What’s the downside? ^ The love scenes. Believe it or not I am shy when it comes to “love scenes”, nudity doesn’t bother me, it’s being so intimate with your co-workers.
Have you ever auditioned for something and they rolled-out the casting couch? ^ No! – Thank GOD! I’m a pretty strong person and I’ve been told I come across that way. I believe if you come across a certain way, you will be treated that way.
Any good stories about someone being jerky to you on a film set? ^ I’m sorry I have no good gossip for you…No, I have been very fortunate!!
What have you learned from being in the entertainment industry? ^ Too much to list! Professionalism is key! and Who you know is NO cliche’! and if your not confident you will not last!
What would people be surprised to learn about you? ^ A lot! But they usually get surprised when they find out I’m a computer nerd! I built my new website with my own two hands, from the graphics to the html.
Any advice for aspiring actresses? ^ Yes, as far as “B”-movies go, they are great for a start, but be picky! If you’re going to do them, do a few, learn and move on!
What’s your message for America’s youth? ^ Listen to your parents, and communicate with them. As I’m writing this my parents are sitting in the next room, they are staying with me for a month and I love it! One of the best relationships you can have in life is with your parents.
To get an even closer look, visit Lauren Hays’ official site.
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