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By The Audience | April 5, 2010

Is the remake of the 1981 classic “Clash of the Titans” the WORST MOVIE OF THE YEAR? Maybe not entirely. While I loved the original (though I thought Burgess Meredith over-acted and that Lawrence Olivier was wasted), I thought [the remake] could have been better… but my kids enjoyed it (I did miss Bubo in the remake, despite his cameo; I wish he played more of a major role like in the original!). It was good for what it set out to be, a simple, fun action flick. Like “GI Joe” or “Transformers,” for whatever value that may entail.

Still, I kept thinking, “overcooked” or “sucked.” The film moves too fast for you to feel anything for the characters, the 3D (more on that in a second) was a total waste, the CGI was laughable, and the dialogue was terrible. The director is trying to please fans of the original while trying to make the story his own, and he utterly fails on both counts (just check the performances of this key line: Liam Neeson “Release the Kraken!” (2010) vs Laurence Olivier “Let loose the Kraken”(1981); the film fails somewhere between bombast and subtlety). Instead of something that honors that original while making its own way, this remake winds up being a truly forgettable film. Lazy writing, serious continuity problems, just generally insulting to the intelligent viewer.

As for the extra cost of enjoying the film with the 3D gimmick, “Clash of the Titans” did not have real 3D effects; similar to “Alice in Wonderland” that had small elements added after it was filmed. Total rip off! Dear Hollywood, Stop pushing the post 3D on us. Do it the right way and stop raping the public.

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  1. eyeresist says:

    “the film fails somewhere between bombast and subtlety” – this is a review?
    Plus, another fanboy misusing the word ‘rape’ = fail.

  2. Mark Bell says:

    Thanks to the those who commented above, in reply to our call for “Clash” opinions on Twitter and on our Facebook page. The movie was tops at the box office, but the general consensus was that the film was lacking so… critics and audiences seem to agree on this one. The disconnect isn’t quite as obvious and simple; did this movie make money because there was nothing else to watch this holiday weekend? I went to a screening on Friday, and “Clash” was half full but the new Tyler Perry flick was sold-out twice over. Did “Clash” win the box office on number of theaters and inflated 3D price, then (“Clash” had roughly 3,777 screens to “Why Did I Get Married Too’s” 2,155 screens; “Clash” made $30 million more than Tyler Perry’s flick)?

  3. filmgurl says:

    Overall, I enjoyed it. Though, I did miss Bobo in the remake. I wish he played more of a major role like in the original!

    p.s. My Clash of the Titans review:


  4. Fausto says:

    The film moves too fast for you to feel anything for the characters, the 3d was a total waste, the cgi was laughable, and the dialogue was terrible. The director is trying to please fans of the original while trying to make the story his own, and he utterly fails on both counts.

  5. Kang says:


  6. Nate says:

    Janean, what obvious 3D gags? The movie was shot for 2D, not 3D.

  7. Janean Parker says:

    A truly forgettable film. Lazy writing, serious continuity problems, just generally insulting to the intelligent viewer. I watched the 2D version so as not to get a headache and was dismayed by all the obvious 3D gags.

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