The story of Captain Jackson is a twisted tale indeed…when in human form, Captain Jackson is Eddie Spender, cool guy. Eddie earns cash by travelling around the country in a motor home winning dance contests. To activate his super alter ego, Eddie must take a bong rip. The THC causes him to morph into The Captain. When his buzz begins to wear off, his body reverts back to human form, so he must constantly hit “field” joints and devious little one-hitters.
Captain Jackson’s nemesis is Eggbert Stevens. Back in high school, Eddie and Eggbert were the best of friends, tying for “most likely to succeed.” But, unfortunately, towards the end of their last school year, Eddie had an affair with Eggbert’s mom, which ended the friendship and began a lifelong feud between the two.
At a party, graduation night, Eddie smoked some radiated weed, giving him the amazing powers of Captain Jackson. Eggbert, however, was forced to drop out of school because of the humiliation brought on by the affair. Eggbert sunk to a life of crime and eventually became the head of a notorious drug ring, spending a great deal of time and energy trying to get revenge on The Captain.
These days, Eggbert hires the worst and nastiest thugs from across the universe in attempts to someday kill “Captain Jackson.” But so far, Eggbert’s plans have never worked. His evil crimes are foiled by The Captain, who always comes out on top!
Will Eggbert ever conquer the brute strength of Captain Jackson? Will Kung Fu Corleon protect his boss? Anyone have any snacks or something? Catch the latest installment of Captain Jackson, along with the old stash, at [ www.bong-load.com ]