The Tribeca Film Festival has announced “Spider-Man 3,” directed by Sam Raimi, will have its U.S. Premiere at the 2007 Tribeca Film Festival, presented by American Express. “Spider-Man 3,” a Columbia Pictures film which opens in theaters worldwide on May 4, will celebrate the first-ever star-studded gala premiere in Queens, Peter Parker’s hometown. Stars of the film, including Tobey Maguire and Kirsten Dunst, will land in New York, their final destination after an eight-city international tour and join a crowd of 3,000 people at the UA Kaufman Astoria 14 in downtown Astoria on Monday, April 30th. With a marching band leading the stars to the ‘black carpet’ and local fans lining the streets, this spectacular premiere will be one of several events throughout the festival, celebrating “Spider-Man Week in NYC,” presented by Columbia Pictures and NYC & Company. For more information on Spider-Man Week NYC activities, please visit
In addition to the U.S. premiere in Queens, the Tribeca Film Festival will also present, with Columbia Pictures, simultaneous screenings in the other four boroughs. These free advance screenings will be open to the public and details about how these tickets can be secured will be released as the event approaches.
“Tribeca is thrilled to be premiering “Spider-Man 3” and to be a part of ‘Spider-Man Week in NYC,’” said Jane Rosenthal, co-founder of the Festival. “Bringing exciting and new events to NYC and its community is one of the major goals of the festival. Hosting the U.S. Premiere of “Spider-Man 3″ in Queens and celebrating the release throughout the festival will give us the opportunity to reach out to a new community as well as to the devoted fan-base of the Spider-Man series.”
“Tribeca Film Festival is the perfect way for Peter Parker to be welcomed back home with the U.S. Premiere,” said Jeff Blake, Vice Chairman of Sony Pictures Entertainment. “It allows us to reach our goal of bringing the full Spider-Man experience to the heart of the film community and the city of New York. We’re also proud to be thanking the people of the City of New York by holding free screenings in the other boroughs with the Tribeca Film Festival — it’s a great opportunity for all Spider-Man fans and movie buffs to help us kick off the summer movie-going season.”
In addition to the premiere and citywide screenings, the Festival will host Spider-Man Saga Screenings. These will be the best way to prepare for the latest chapter in the life, loves, and adventures of Peter Parker. Night owls will enjoy the midnight screenings of both “Spider-Man” and “Spider-Man 2” on Tuesday, May 1st and Wednesday, May 2nd, respectively, while die-hard fans can start their weekends early with a back-to-back doubleheader on Thursday, May 3rd before heading out to the very first screenings of the new film on Friday, May 4th. These screenings will all feature an exclusive sneak peek of Spider-Man 3 and other fun surprises.