We’ve got a guy here who’s discussing his love of Star Wars. He was 2 years old in 1977 when the Movie That Changed A Hell Of A Lot Of People opened up and didn’t see the movie until he was 5 because his parents thought he was too young. He read the storybook and got plenty of toys.
Then came the 80s and his parents divorced and he was deeper into The Force than anything. During these moments, there is a great send-up of a scene in Fight Club, which of course is Star Wars-themed. What this guy is mainly worried about is his love for Star Wars that’s begun to slip. He really doesn’t want to give all his Star Wars stuff away and forget about his childhood. The obvious answer is to pass along his love, but to whom?
That question never really gets answered and that’s when this short hobbles because we head right into 2003 with no narrated explanation beforehand about who he’s passing his love of the Force on to. All we see is some kid opening up stuff from Toys ‘R’ Us and being quizzed by this guy on such things as the color of certain light sabers, like Darth Vader’s.
Is this kid the guy’s nephew, his son, or some random kid he happened to bribe with Pixie Stix in order to get him to do this? Therein lies the problem. It means so much more if we’re made aware as to who the obsession is being passed on to. Otherwise, it just flops.