Okay so here we go. Today was the first day of the festival and there really wasn’t a film to watch so myself along with the rest of the Film Threat crew (Mark and Jaime), so we decided to go on to the Airborne lounge which was a ton of fun. Well before I get more into the whole Airborne lounge, I might aswell tell you guys the funny, eventful story that happened this morning before Mark and I got on the plane. Well Mark was in front of me at the security check point and he went through without a problem. Now let me describe to you the contents of his carry-on. A lap top, two cell phones, ten different types of cables for all sorts of electronic devices, an ipod, a still camera, and a Sony Handycam. Then I go through and instantly the guy yells bagage check and I am like what the hell did I do wrong? I had a lap top and a digital camera and it took them ten minutes to realize I wasn’t hiding anything. Now for those of you who don’t know, I am of Middle-Eastern decent with a bit of a beard and giant eye brows, for some reason I fit a profile of someone who well you know what I am talking about. The whole thing was completely ridiculous and it really isn’t the first time either myself or other people in my family have been “randomly picked” for a baggage check.
Well after that whole ordeal, we finally got into Salt Lake and after even more time of waiting for our press credentials, we were able to go do something. So we went to the Airborne lounge and it was cool like I had already described. Some chick from Jordan vineyards gave me her number which was kind of cool but Mark and I think that she was just trying to network so I am really not worrying about it. Well that was my first day of the fest and tommorrow is when I start watching movies and reviewing and such. Well everyone have a great rest of the week and you will get more chances to hear my random ramblings. Later-Zack Haddad
[…] 2007. 18. 1st Day of Sundance Down. Posted by Zack Haddad in Writer’s Corner, 2007 Sundance Film Festival. at 9:25 PM . 2007 at 10:27 am * Mark Bell. says: Gone soft? Nah, we’re seeing 3 flicks a day for most of the rest of the fest (can’t . Writer’s Corner, 2007 Sundance Film Festival. « « Excess Hollywood: E!Vil « « | » » Sundance REALLY starts today… » » . Movie Marketing Madness. *Film Threat Video. *Random Acts of Mike Watt. *Diary of an Unchosen Film. *CineVegas Blog. * . 2007 at 9:25 pm and is filed under Writer’s Corner, 2007 Sundance Film Festival. You can follow any responses to this . the first day of the festival and there really wasn’t a film to watch so myself along with the rest of the Film Threat . Mark Bell. says: Yeah, this year we came a day earlier so we didn’t do that to anyone again… January 19th, 2007 at 7:21 .Film Threat Blogs #187 Blog Archive #187 1st Day of Sundance Down […]
Gone soft? Nah, we’re seeing 3 flicks a day for most of the rest of the fest (can’t be 100% certain due to the dreaded TBA blocks on the press screening list), so the Hell will be unleashed again. They only had one screening yesterday so I couldn’t assign multiple movies. Dammit, I haven’t gone soft! I haven’t! *starts sobbing*
Last year, I had to watch three movies when I got off the plane…
No s**t. Mark’s gone soft.
Yeah, this year we came a day earlier so we didn’t do that to anyone again…
Damn Zack, your first day was f*****g light. Last year, I had to watch three movies when I got off the plane…